
What is D-Biotin used for?

Views : 1754
Update time : 2022-05-30 14:53:29
1. Participate in lipid metabolism in the body
Biotin is involved in fatty acid synthesis and is also essential for the normal synthesis of long-chain unsaturated and fatty acids and for fatty acid metabolism. in addition. Biotin is also involved in acetylcholine synthesis and cholesterol metabolism.

2. Participate in the body's protein and nucleic acid metabolism
Biotin plays an important role in protein synthesis, amino acid deamination, purine synthesis, carbamoyl transfer, and leucine and tryptophan catabolism. It is also required for the transfer decarboxylation of various amino acids.

3. Participate in the body's carbohydrate metabolism
in carbohydrate metabolism. Biotinidase is involved in catalyzing decarboxylation and carboxylation reactions and is an essential component of the tricarboxylic acid cycle. It participates in and affects the metabolic processes of decarboxylation of pyruvate to oxaloacetate, conversion of malate to pyruvate, interconversion of succinate and propionate, and conversion of oxalosuccinate to n-ketoacid.

4. Participate in the metabolism of other substances
Biotin is also used as a coenzyme component to participate in the metabolic processes of other nutrients such as methyl transfer reaction and sugar metabolism. At the same time, biotin is also related to the activation of lysozyme and the function of sebaceous glands; it is closely related to the metabolism of folic acid and pantothenic acid.